Don’t lose your customers online! Make sure they can find you, stay connected!

Business Listings Management is the first step your business should take, DAY ONE.
Have you ever searched for a business and couldn’t find relevant information about the business? Did it ever lead you to another business? What does Google or other search platforms say about your business?

Don’t let your customers or potential customers get lost looking for you
Your relevance and online accuracy is key. Making sure you utilize publisher services online so that potential customers can find you will help you gain new customers along with staying connected to current customers.
There are services you can use that help you make sure your listings are relevant and accurate. There are 100’s of search platforms out there, people use different platforms through their internet browser, apps and phones.
Understanding how important it is to make sure all you listings are claimed, have the correct phone number, directions, website, tag line, and actual real photos with real reviews is MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER.

Infographic from Statista
How do you keep all that information up to date with using multiple logins and the same in passwords? And what about those updates and emails, do you sign in and keep up all that information? Is it even possible or realistic? Why spend quality time away from your clients, doing what you dreamt of doing?
APG Local offers the capability to have your Business listed on up to 92 publisher networks, all with one login and pw. Monitor everything from just one page and login. Let APG Local do the leg work and heavy listing for you.
Scan Your Business Now For Free
Relevant and accurate Information is the key
You want your clients to see your real information, not some computer generated jargon that we hope is right, and hope has no place in a business plan.
Now, how do you know your listing(s) will stay current and relevant with this fast pace, forever changing world? Today, I want you to know how to keep yourself relevant and make sure your listings keep driving customers to your business. Items are below are crucial for a good web presence:
- You must realize what your key search terms are not just the name of your business but what people are actually searching for? Where do you come up? Do you come up at all? (Plumbers, Best Plumber near me, etc.)
- What information do you want out there about your business? Of course you want your phone number and directions to be correct, hours, website, photos of products or maybe your office, nicely wrapped vehicles, before and after photos. Make people feel like they know your business before they become a customer.
- A picture is worth a thousand words. People are visual and they want the nicest and best and they want it NOW! When they see your business, their first impression is right at their fingertips, if they don’t like what they see, they will scroll to the next.
- Opinions, everybody has an opinion. Reviews, the good and the bad, are influential to your potential customer. No matter how great you are, for some reason there are those that can’t be pleased, that hits hard when it comes to reviews. It’s personal! How do you respond to ALL reviews? You must, because the consumer is seeing how you handle the situation and value customer service. Getting notification when a review is left, so you can respond quick, is very important.
- Social media, is a must in today’s climate. Linking your social media and its relevance is just as important when searching. Consumers looking for “Recommendations”, and people sharing those recommendations are great referrals.
- Your rankings are important with search, the more relevant content you have, the better rankings you have, which means your search is higher and found much quicker.
Take control of your business information. Run a Free Business Listing Scan Now!

Jinger Entrekin – Senior Marketing Strategist